Hema Shah, M.D.
Adult Psychiatrist - Holistic Healing
Dr. Hema Shah is a MD Psychiatrist, practicing Adult Psychiatry in out-patient setting. She obtained her adult Psychiatry training from Case Western Reserve (MetroHealth) University. Dr. Shah has additional training in child psychiatry from University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She is skilled in treating mood disorders, anxiety, psychotic disorders, trauma and addiction issues. She practices evidence-based psychiatry and helps patients choose what is best for them after exploring available options of medicines and therapy. Dr. Shah also has experience working in county setting.
Dr. Shah is a good listener and tries to make patients feel comfortable by providing supportive and non-judgmental environment. In addition to English, she also speaks Hindi and Gujarati fluently.Dr. Shah keeps herself updated with latest trends in medicine by participating regularly in national psychiatry meetings and doing scholarly activities. You will find compassionate care and personal attention while working with Dr. Shah.
Dr. Shah also speaks English, Hindi, & Gujarati