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Transform Anxiety / Panic Attacks Into Empowerment

Let us provide you with high-quality care



Adults in the US have anxiety...


Yet only

receive treatment!

What Causes
Anxiety Disorder/Panic Attacks?

There are many factors that can cause anxiety, including one or a combination of these circumstances:

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Brain Chemistry

Imbalances in neurotransmitters can contribute to anxiety. For example, low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, may be linked to anxiety disorders.

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Environmental Factors

Stressful life events, trauma, abuse, or significant changes in life circumstances can trigger anxiety. Chronic stressors, such as financial difficulties or relationship problems, may also contribute.

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Genetics or family history

There is evidence that suggests a genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders. If someone in your family has had an anxiety disorder, you may be at a higher risk.

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Mental Condition

Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, heart conditions, or chronic pain, can be associated with anxiety symptoms.

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Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women, such as those related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause, can influence anxiety levels.

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Substance Abuse

The use of drugs or alcohol can exacerbate or contribute to anxiety disorders. Substance abuse can both be a cause and a consequence of anxiety.

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Lifestyle Changes

  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity can help reduce anxiety by promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters.

  • Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in nutrients can positively influence mood and overall well-being.

  • Adequate Sleep: Establishing good sleep hygiene and getting enough rest is crucial for managing anxiety.

Treatment for
Anxiety Disorders

Treatment for Anxiety Disorders Can Include:


  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to anxiety.

  • Exposure Therapy: This technique involves gradually facing and overcoming fears or anxiety-inducing situations to reduce sensitivity and fear.

  • Mindfulness-Based Therapies: Practices like mindfulness meditation and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, reducing anxiety.


  • Antidepressants: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines may be used in certain situations, but they are generally recommended for short-term use due to the risk of dependence.

  • Buspirone: An anti-anxiety medication that affects serotonin and dopamine receptors.

  • Beta-blockers: These medications may be used to manage physical symptoms of anxiety, such as rapid heartbeat and trembling.

If you're ready to receive help with your anxiety, reach out to our compassionate psychiatrists today!

Anxiety Disorders FAQs


Comprehensive Psychiatric Services (CPS) is an exceptional resource for individuals grappling with anxiety. With a team of highly qualified professionals specializing in anxiety disorders, CPS offers expert and tailored care. Their commitment to evidence-based treatments, comprehensive assessments, and a patient-centered approach underscores CPS's effectiveness in providing holistic and innovative solutions for anxiety management. The facility's emphasis on confidentiality and flexibility in treatment plans further establishes CPS as a top choice for those seeking personalized and effective support in navigating anxiety.


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